1. Today we made beautiful rainbows and lots of mess with watercolours, wet paper and lots of imagination. The highlight - just spodging on colour and then tipping the page to mix the colours in long wet trails.
2. Kinder work from this week. Awwww....
3. A pink iceberg from just outside my office window.
4. We made a washi tape road. And then we had a lot of cars (in patterns) desperate to use the road.
5. I have no idea what prompted this moment of silence. But in better news - she has learned to tie her own shoes now!
6. It's no secret I've been enjoying the blossoms this week.
7. Hidden amongst the blossoms - a perfect web - I'd love to go back with a spray bottle of water for some gorgeous droplet shots. Have you ever tried that?
These are just some of the little moments from our week.
I really love the glimpse it gives in to our lives - and its so much fun peeking into other lives over here where Em hosts the weekly linky.
What was the highlight of your week?