Monday, March 16, 2015

~ our joyful moments - weeks 10/11 ~


The kitchen and food are certainly dominating our "mornings" themed shots.

Week 10 saw us making lots of watermelon juice - with a hint of mint its a great way to start the day.
Karin was enjoying the morning light in her kitchen and looking forward to those magnolias being in flower

Week 11 and we both chose weekend breakfast shots to share.  Lily often makes us pancakes on a Sunday morning - and with fresh blueberries from the Huon they are hard to resist.
Karin loves her waffles (so pretty) with organic strawberries.

#ourjoyfulmoments2015 is a weekly photography project - Karin and I share our photos here and on IG.

What's your favourite weekend breakfast?


  1. Such pretty photos. I'm rather partial to eggs & bacon for breakfast!

  2. I've eaten breakfast already...but after these images, I need second breaky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. All four photos are gorgeous!

    I'm rather partial to some french toast for a special breakfast...


I'd love to hear from you - in fact it will probably make my day