Monday, April 1, 2013

~ garden mood board Mar/April 2013 ~


The conifers line our back fence and protect us from nosy neighbours.
I barely notice them and yet today they seemed to call to me as the perfect background for the few blooms we still have.    Our indian summer has really dried out the garden and we have lost quite a few plants. 

The leaves haven't really started to change here  - yet in other areas of Hobart I can already wade knee deep through swathes of crispy leaves.  All of a sudden there's a chill in the air though (we lit our first fire last night) and already bulbs are starting to poke their way through.

Looking forward to seeing what's growing in other people's gardens here.


  1. These are gorgeous Ally! I have been gardening a lot over the last 2 days so really should do a moodboard too - not that there's much out there.
    I'm looking forward to lighting the fire - we just have to get the chimney swept first!

  2. im glad those conifers called to you....looks lovely x

  3. We had our first fire on Saturday night, but it was outside as it wasn't cold enough to light the wood stove inside, but it was lovely just the same :-)
    Your mood board is gorgeous, the firs make a really lovely backdrop, don't they?

    Sarah xx

  4. Beautiful wreath. Autumn is trying to settle in but Summer does not want to go :)

  5. Your conifers are beautiful and so regal looking. A fire sounds so delightfully cosy- much nicer than our humidity.

  6. So beautiful, I love the colours in your photos. I have just recently seen the first flowers in my garden now :-)

  7. I really love the colourcombination with the deepgreen and pink/purple/blue/yellow

  8. Here on the other side of the world I've also drawn on my garden's boundaries for this month's mood board, but with all the late snow we had I've only been able to tape photos from previous years to my studio walls as there's nothing growing!

  9. That's so gorgeous! At the moment, we have chillis and mandarins in the garden.

  10. Very pretty. Slowly, slowly things are coming to life in our garden.


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