Sunday, April 21, 2013

~ a peek at our week ~



Photos this week are all from my phone again - and some have already been shared on IG.  It's like instant blogging.

1. Cosmos in my garden.  The one shot from 50+ that I was happy with as I continue to experiment with my real camera on M.  I am frustrating myself at how slow I am to understand the whole shutter speed/aperture thing.

2.  Ballet lesson.  We're only allowed to watch once or twice a year.  Grace is 2nd from the L - I was shocked by how tall and thin she looked in this shot.

3.  I've had another lucky week!  I won a give-away on this beautiful blog.  Thanks Ness!! 
I was lucky enough to open a parcel with a plate, necklace and two gorgeous little tags.  The hair slides I made...they're very happy in their new home.

4.  Frosty has been hiding in the freezer for a few weeks so that he felt at home.  It felt cold enough this week for him to come out and explore.

5.  PJ day at school.  

6.  We went to Launceston to watch Freo play Hawthorn.  Not the best result for us but its been so long since I watched live football.  We used to go all the time when we lived in Perth (pre-kids).  This was the obligatory stop on the way at Campbell Town.  Lovely soft, autumn light through the windows at the Red Bridge Cafe.

7.  A daily dose of pretty on my IG feed (well, most days)

8.  Cutest stamp ever on one of my postcrossing cards this week.

It's  school holidays now.  We're off to the Great Ocean Road to meet up with some friends who are driving across from Adelaide.  So exciting.

Hope your week is fabulous. I'm joining in with  the lovely Em to share some bits of our week.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

~ baking, relaxing and my style icons ~

Autumn's chill is definitely here today - I've lit the fire (before lunch.  I've heard that lots of people try to wait until Anzac Day for the first fire but we've had an occasional one for a few weeks now - I do love the comfort of it), put the uggs on and am craving soup.

I'm also catching up with my list making - I've been posting them on IG but not getting around to putting them on here.

So here are my favourite things to bake (keep in mind I am no baker), my style icons (I struggled with this one but it seem Quentin is up there for lots of us according to the IG comments) and what I find relaxing.


Who are your style icons?
Are you relaxing or baking today?

I'm joining the #52lists project here.

Monday, April 15, 2013

~ last week ~

1.  The windflowers are beautiful even when they're dying

2.  When he's not writing and drawing he's playing cars - the go-to toy ever since he was tiny.

3.  Cooler mornings mean our windows end up like this - great opportunity for more drawing.

4.  Beautiful afternoon autumn light

5.  I won a stickygram competition with this shot (hooray).  I've ordered my magnets (made from my instagram shots - I've done some before and they're fab)...if you'd like some they are $2 off with this code ( FRIEND0U01). (I get a little credit too if you do this!)

6.  Remember those lemons from last week?...we made lemon drizzle cake from the Perfect Cookbook and it was so yum that I didn't get any photos before we ate it all.  Next time I make it I'll take some shots and put the recipe up.

7.  More dahlias from my lovely neighbour. 

I'm joining in with  the lovely Em to share some bits of our week.
One more week until the holiday and a bit of a break from the routine... I can't wait.
What does your week look like?

Thursday, April 11, 2013

~ april vignettes ~

{day 1: favourite}

{day 2: layered}

{day 3: gift(s)}

{day 4: everyday}

{day 5: soft}

{day 6: rough}

{day 7: secondhand}

These are my vignettes for the April week of #7vignettes with the very stylish Jen and others over on IG.  I found "rough" the hardest prompt and my favourite this month was my "layered" shot which I titled "pieces of me".

I was super excited to see that Sarah of mollysmaison was the overall winner - most deservedly I think.

Now I'm looking forward to May - if you have IG come and join in the fun.

Monday, April 8, 2013

~ the photographer as detective ~

Jack has been sporting new eczema round his lips - red and sore and unsightly.
I hadn't seen him licking them and he's not generally prone to it so we were a bit baffled.
And then I took some shots of him drawing and writing on the weekend 
(because it feels like that's ALL he does at the moment).

And behold.... the tongue of concentration.
It dances as he writes.
(I was laughing so much most of the shots were blurry).

Mystery solved.
Handwriting - coming along beautifully.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

~ the week that was ~

1. I'm picking dahlias from my dear neighbour's garden while she's away (with permission) - our vases have been full of beauties like this all week.

2.  Playing with vignettes again on instagram (more photos tomorrow) - star anise is so pretty.  We got lots of the herbs and spices out afterwards to smell and explore.

3.  The scarves are out against the chilly autumn mornings and evenings.

4.  My kinder boy cannot stop writing his name.  On EVERYTHING!  At least we won't lose them.

5.  Tomatoes sitting along the window sills to ripen - there are still lots of green ones to bring inside and they taste amazing.

6.  We moved (or rather the Doc moved) this groovy coat rack from Gracie's room down to the back entrance area.  Practical and beautiful.

7.  Lemons from my lovely neighbour  (see above) - there is lemon drizzle cake in the oven as I type - its starting to smell amazing.

Joining in with lovely Em and others for weekly stills.
Hope you have a lovely week.

Monday, April 1, 2013

~ garden mood board Mar/April 2013 ~


The conifers line our back fence and protect us from nosy neighbours.
I barely notice them and yet today they seemed to call to me as the perfect background for the few blooms we still have.    Our indian summer has really dried out the garden and we have lost quite a few plants. 

The leaves haven't really started to change here  - yet in other areas of Hobart I can already wade knee deep through swathes of crispy leaves.  All of a sudden there's a chill in the air though (we lit our first fire last night) and already bulbs are starting to poke their way through.

Looking forward to seeing what's growing in other people's gardens here.