Sunday, January 1, 2012

~ the one without the resolutions ~

I don't do resolutions.
I'm just not that into them.
They feel too hard.  Like a list for failing. They never last.

Hopes and dreams I can do.  Wishes too.

I hope I can reach out and grasp at opportunities, to seek challenges and find joy.
My dreams are for my family - for health and happiness, for nuturing and empathy, for fun.
I wish for world peace.  
Or a huge tattslotto win.  
Or simply some fabulous summer days as we while away our summer up at the shack.

What are your hopes, wishes and dreams for 2012?

What's your summer looking like?


  1. I like the sound of your hopes and dreams for your family and a lotto win would never go astray;) May all of your hopes and dreams come true for you Ally. I want to have a happy healthy year, caring for me and for my family. I think it's going to be a good one. I look forward to coming by and visiting you again this year. xxx

  2. I agree! Resolutions are definitely a list for failing. I like simple love and hope and dreams...then anything is possible! Have a wonderful 2012! Wonderful photo too. xx

  3. Oh me too, why when you should just incorporate living better & brighter into every day. I did giggle at the news when they said Molly Meldrum had said (before his accident) that he'd like to give up smoking & da dah - how many weeks in a coma will do that for you, without trying!! I don't actually have any vices to give up (don't drink, smoke, swear, coffee) just want to do more of the good things, gym, dog walking, eating healthy etc. Go for us, resolution free, love Posie

  4. Happy new year, Ally - I hope all your lovely hopes, dreams and wishes come true. As for my summer ... it's looking pretty great! :)

  5. Happy new year! I agree with your sentiments - this year I am being grateful for my life as it is. :)

  6. Your wishes sound pretty awesome Ally. Happy New Year xx


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