Saturday, March 31, 2012

~ grateful for ...a special day ~

A few months ago I was invited to a picnic.
What's the big deal?... you might think....
...but this invitation came from an on-line photographer friend who was coming to Tassie to do a shoot for Kinfolk  magazine and she asked if I'd like to tag along
Not even a heart-beat passed before I said "yes" (and then "please").

Hosted by the lovely people from A Common Ground this was a celebration of Tasmanian harvest time...fresh local produce, families sharing food, learning about keeping it local and real and good.
It felt like being on a movie set..surreal....beautiful...unforgettable.

Golden light dappled through the apple trees as we sat around on picnic blankets and hay bales.  We feasted on freshly picked apples, small goods from Fat Pig Farm and other local delicacies. 

Children climbed trees, picked apples and fed them to hungry pigs as we learnt from Mathew Evans (the gourmet farmer) about pig farming and his new farm.  I chatted to lovely families and shared stories.

It was a dream day.
I'm just so grateful I got to be part of it.
(and I can't wait to see Luisa's photos in the magazine when it comes out)

I'm linking with Maxabella... what are you grateful for this week?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

~ cosmos corps de ballet ~

I always think they look like ballerinas.
Here are some of my favourite cosmos shots (in pink of course)
Happy wordless Wednesday

Linking with  my little drummer boys.

Friday, March 23, 2012

~ grateful for... facebook solutions to life's little dilemmas ~

It's really not that long until Easter.
I had been casually scanning the shelves...watching for mini-eggs
(the Cadbury ones with the speckly hard shells and the yummy centres)
...but had come up with nil sightings.
I was getting a bit worried.
(they're my favourite)
So I put a little call out on face-book... and lo and behold my friends came to the rescue.
Several options of where to buy...some offers to post them to me...and some amazingly generous girls who went out of their way to buy my some.
Who wouldn't be grateful for that?
I certainly am.
Not my resolve to not snack that had been doing so well, and not my cholesterol level...but me, definitely.
(I'm munching on them good) 

What do you use social media for?
What are you grateful for this week?
I'm linking with Maxabella...its always fun.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

~ seizing the day ~

Whilst I embrace the whole 4 seasons thing that Hobart does so well, it does seem, at times, that autumn and, particularly, winter take a bit more than their fair share of the year.
Last week I was feeling the grey.  Ready to dig out the long boots.  We even had a fire.

Not today.
Today was golden.  Hobart sparkled.  
We raced from school to the beach.

We ate ice-creams and swam and had amazing handstand competitions.
We soaked up that vitamin D and loved it.

How is your week looking?

Friday, March 16, 2012

~ grateful for ... sunflowers ~

We planted them late and weren't expecting anything much
But like Jack's beanstalk they grew and grew...
And this week they bloomed.


Such happy-making flowers.
I smile every time I see them.
The wombles think they are amazing.

We're all grateful for sunflowers and the simple joy they bring this week.
Joining up with other grateful bloggers at Maxabella's


Monday, March 12, 2012

~ grateful for....blogging ~

Almost 100 posts in and it seems appropriate to be grateful for blogging this week (even though I'm a little late)
Grateful for the snippets of others lives that I am able to share; amazing photographs, stories, thoughts.
Grateful that I took the plunge last year and started my own blog.
Grateful for the lovely comments that people take the time to make on my posts.
Grateful for the inspiration I have found and the blogging friendships.
Grateful for a blogging award that the lovely Hazel awarded me this week (more below).
It's all been good so far... hope it continues.


Some background: Liebster is a German word, meaning favourite, dearest or beloved and the Liebster is awarded by bloggers to other, newer bloggers, who have fewer than 200 followers, to spread the word and help the new(er)bies gain wider recognition. The award comes with four conditions that each recipient must satisfy when accepting:
  1. Choose five up-and-coming blogs (with fewer than 200 followers) to award the Liebster to.
  2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blogs so they know about the award.
  4. Share 5 random facts about yourself that people don't know about you.

Here are my five random facts:

  • I attended 6 different primary schools (my parents were teachers, we moved a lot).
  • I have to read each night or I can't sleep.
  • I was completely in love with Princess Di as a child.
  • The Doc and I moved to the UK and started living together after about 2 months of dating.
  • I cry every time I see a baby being born.

The five blogs I bestow the award on are (I didn't obey the rules - they are not newer than me but they all deserve an award.  I haven't found many newer than me!) :