
Sunday, September 25, 2011

~ a lovely Sunday ~

Sunday is my favourite day of the week.

Historically it was our day for lazy lie-ins, marathon weekend-paper reading sessions and lots of coffee.
These days a lie-in involves 3 children, lots of wriggling, many demands for more space, more stories, more cuddles and it feels like an escape to get up and get moving.

Today we escaped to the farmers market.

It was a beautiful morning  - the sun tried to shine, we saw friends and drank that much-needed coffee.


We left with arms laden - farm fresh spuds, apples and greens.  Bunches of daffies.  A small pot of sprouts for school lunches.  A taster of some amazing bikkies (I love that word so much more than cookie) that our friends bake there each week.  That warm feeling inside from supporting our local farmers and provedores.

And as an added bonus we were there so early there was still enough day left for a gym class*, some gardening, plays with friends and time to cook a roast for the family that are arriving to stay tonight.

How was your weekend?

*Progress report on my little gym experiment - I have been going swimming and to stretchy class (yoga/pilates) at least twice a week - no waist yet and no other visible results but I feel better. Yay! And I had to buy new gym clothes so that was fun too.


  1. Oh yes, love a good Farmer's Market, it's certainly a feel good organic shopping experience for the things you can't grow or produce yourself. I love the small meats section. As for 'bikkies' my mother is English & a chef, i just can't use the word, they are strictly 'biscuits' & i always hear her voice saying "cooked twice, once in the oven, once on the tray". She was a toned down version of Julia Childs, love Posie

  2. I love heading to our local farmer's market - we always go really early too.
    & good work on the gym experiment :)

  3. I love farmer's markets, both for the produce and the photo opportunities :) Your photos are lovely!

    I love buying new workout clothes, too! I find it's the best motivation for actually working out, heheh.

    PS. D had never heard the word "biscuit" until he met me! I fear what "bikkie" would do to him.

  4. Oh I love a beautiful market like that!And please do not tell me you live in NSW or I will cry! lol xx

  5. I love going to markets on the weekend and this market look like a place to go and visit, so much nicer buying locally than going to the supermarket. There is an organic market I've been meaning to visit but it's a bit of a drive and I'm not sure everyone would like to get up a 5am for me to visit. I always call them biscuits or bikkies too, I think it's the Australian thing to do. :) Have a wonderful week Ally. xo


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